BALI - Petugas mengevakuasi wisatawan mancanegara menggunakan perahu karet saat terjadi banjir yang menggenangi kawasan Jalan Bumi Ayu, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, Rabu (25/12/2024). Hujan deras yang mengguyur wilayah Denpasar pada Rabu pagi mengakibatkan banjir di kawasan tersebut. ANTARA FOTO/Fikri Yusuf/foc.
The text describes how heavy rain in Denpasar, Bali caused flooding in the Sanur area, leading to local authorities evacuating foreign tourists using rubber boats.
The main conceptual idea is the impact of severe weather (in this case, heavy rain) on tourism and the need for emergency services to respond to unexpected natural disasters.
The text describes how heavy rain in Denpasar, Bali caused flooding in the Sanur area, leading to local authorities evacuating foreign tourists using rubber boats. The main conceptual idea is the impact of severe weather (in this case, heavy rain) on tourism and the need for emergency services to respond to unexpected natural disasters.